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Shaker Furniture

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Shaker Furniture

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Settling in New York around time of the American Revolution, the Shakers were a society built on religious beliefs and a desire to integrate the natural form in the objects they created.

They emerged as significant designers because of their ability to bring out the natural beauty of the wood, as well as design the most balanced pieces with optimum functionality. Since then, Shaker furniture has been a timeless tradition reflecting years of dedication to crafting elegant, beautiful and functional pieces for rugged everyday use.


Shaker Furniture

A modern piece based on Shaker design.

Sleigh Bed

A Shaker-influenced Sleigh-bed.



Resources for Shaker Furniture

Who are the Shakers?

Shaker Museum at South Union

Shaker Style Furnishings

Shaker Furniture

Shaker Manuscripts Online


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